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Andreas Antonopoulos "If you're producing the energy for your Tesla's with coal fired power plants, they are more damaging to the environment"

Bitcoin Reddit

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A few weeks ago Andreas Antonopoulos made a some comments in relation to the current energy FUD that's recirculating again thanks to Elon Musk.

He actually refers to Tesla in his theory that people are confusing energy production with energy consumption, and suggests it's like saying that electric cars harm the environment because they use more energy in total than gasoline cars.

He said that theoretically then if you are producing the energy for your Tesla with cold fired power plants , then they are more damaging to the environment.

He suggests the problem is regulating the way energy is produced not consumed.

He says those that are determined to bash bitcoin will never change and the best thing to do is just ignore them.

He points out that infact Bitcoin actually subsidises renewable energy.

submitted by /u/jam-hay
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