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binance... what is going on?


Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance 303 Views

Im struggling with Binance since April so i figured i might share my story.
In April, i was one of the winners during "NFT Tuesdays". Binance has been amazing for trading AND i am getting some free tokens? NICE!
For the competition you had to drop your BSC address, i didn't think of adding my metamask so i used binances BEP20 BSC address.
After i've been picked a winner, i haven't gotten anything so i contacted binance.
After telling which competition i took part in, i very quickly got a link to BSCscan showing me the transaction.

So, as you might've figured out by now - i should have used my metamask BSC address.
NOW - what happened exactly?

  • BINANCE sent me the tokens from my win, to my BINANCE address
  • BINANCE sent me tokens, that are UNLISTED ON BINANCE
  • the tokens ARE ON MY BINANCE account, but i cannot access them (UNLISTED)

So, i've found a relevant FAQ on unlisted tokens deposit and contacted binance again.

It went like this:

ME: "Here is the FAQ for the unlisted tokens which is my issue. Here is the the binance wallet address, the BSCscan URL showing the transactions, it's about XY amount of XY tokens which are unlisted, here is my metamask address for withdrawing those tokens. "

BIN: "What competition did you win in?"

ME: "Sent all the data again."

BIN: "Oh yes, the prize has been distributed already. Check the BSCscan. Case close"

ME: Re-open case. Explain again that it's about unlisted tokens.

BIN: 6 HOUR WAIT TIME -> turns into days

BIN: "Can you provide details, and TXiDs?"

ME: "I already provided it in this chat, here is the BSCscan link, it's about those tokens, in that amount, both are unlisted - i need to get them out to the metamask address i already provided as i cannot access unlisted tokens on binance due to them not being listed. "

BIN: "Which binance competition is this?"

ME: "Look. I already won. And i already got the prize. I already provided all the information and screenshots multiple times.
All i need is getting the unlisted tokens, that are currently on my binance BSC address, out to my metamask account where i can access them. Could you please assist me with that, since i've been waiting since april being stuck explaing the same thing over and over? "
*screenshots attached, from the chat convo i already established it in*

BIN: "let me transfer you to this campaings person of contact"

ME: "I would appreciate it if we could finally get to the root of the problem and transfer the unlisted tokens out to my metamask account. Im waiting on my winnings since april.

BIN: "You need to contact or send a PM to the support of the place where you got the NFT. In this case, contact support on Twitter."

Cue me being confused, because it's not about an NFT but about unlisted tokens - which i won on binance and im contacting binance - so what has twitter support to do with it?

ME: "Sending the FAQ on unlisted tokens. Explaining my situation again"


So yeah...

Now, it's been like this since April.
Explaining what i already explained, case being closed. Re-open, explain the same things, get asked the same things, get transfered to someone else, wait for days, explain again, case gets closed. Re-open and it's the same again.
Finally broke out of the support loop, but now i need to contact twitter support?
Ymmm, what? "Hey twitter, binance said to say hi, now gimme my money" or what do you expect me to do at this point?

If you think im joking:

submitted by /u/noamek
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