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Can I wipe Trezor accounts without changing seed?

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by COINS NEWS 13 Views

So I've transferred everything out of my Trezor for one reason or another. All that remains are those annoying scam airdrop tokens that Trezor doesn't let you hide.

For that reason I'd like to wipe it all and start again, but I've also got my seed stored carefully (metal stamped). So I kind of don't want to start all over again with that.

Is there any solution? I can't see anywhere on Trezor Suite to delete accounts, can it be done on MM maybe?


Post not long enough so I'll keep rambling. It's raining today so I'm fiddling about trying to tidy up accounts and consolidate bags while fees are low. I'll probably use the Trezor again but for now I'm using Safepal which is actually pretty user friendly.

submitted by /u/Cannister7
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