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If I have to read another "crypto vet" Post again I'm gonna throw up

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by COINS NEWS 217 Views

So guys I'm in the crypto game for so and so long, actually I just bought some Bitcoin 10yrs ago when I wanted to buy that sweet Afghan Kush on silkroad and left it in a wallet that is now 150€ worth so I'm gonna tell you the same shit everyone else already did just to farm some moons. As you see, my only prove of authority here is nothing but this lurker account with ~10 posts over the last 5yrs, but please stay with this waste of server capacity that you can read also again tomorrow and the day after but rephrased. I have to technological nor mathematical background but I'm in almost every crypto related sub and I even do technical analysis (Well, I draw funny animals into the graphs)

I'm gonna repeat the same 10 phrases, dont invest what you cant afford to lose, I even will pretend to care about anyones life in this sub so I'll Google the suicide Hotline and gonna copy-paste it in here because apparently NO PERSON WITH SUICIDAL TENDENCIES knows how to find these digits.

Edit : omg my text-bricks that I rearranged from yesterdays top Post and the day before reached the Main page! I'm so surprised, so here's my last, absolutely obsolete piece of mind : you are still new, blabla hodl and dont forget to give me more upvotes.

And when you're done jerking yourself off in front of everyone, maybe work on a better social climate in this sub ffs

submitted by /u/vik42069
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