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Not A Joke: Anyone Who is Feeling Suicidal, Please Take A Moment To Realize That It's All Going To Be Okay

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I know for some people this is not that big of a deal but I also know there are some of us out there that really believe in the space and tech and thus have invested perhaps more than we should have. I myself had certain hopes for this bull market, or what I thought it was going to be, hopes that included changing my life probably forever. Hopes that have now been dashed onto the rocks in front of me, at least for now. I'm not new to the space but I was really not expecting what happened, no one was. All I wanted to say was that if you are thinking the worst that I can relate and simply just not to do it, its not worth it, we'll be okay in the end. Go out smell the roses and hug your friends and family, those are the only things that really matter. God Bless.

submitted by /u/Mangos__Carlsen
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