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Some truths within this community

Bitcoin Reddit

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Hey, so I am just a lurker in the background among this crash we are currently in but I am just gonna point out some things that people need to hear

1) "LoOk At ThEse PaPeR HaNdS" we get it, you own like 0.000001 of a bitcoin and can afford to lose your Β£10 that you invested into bitcoin but not everyone can afford to lose this amount of money during this crash so if people sell, they are being smart with their money so stop talking down on them all because you can keep hold of your very very little amount of bitcoin during this

2) Can people stop spreading the idea that bitcoin will bounce back in no time, if you have been in crypto for a little while then you would know that anything can happen, bitcoin could bounce back tomorrow, next month, next year or it could stay around here for a long time so stop telling people to gamble their money all because you believe it will bounce back, be your own judgement

3) stop trash talking Elon musk lol, his tweet had little to do with the actual crash, it's just unfornute that he tweeted it after the whole China announcement but if anything, this is a blessing in disguise because no man should have that amount of power over crypto so hopefully people stop depending on his tweets to boost their crypto

OK rant over, going back to lurking, peace out

submitted by /u/DarkCerberus1332
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