News about Defi

Cryptocoins News / Blockchain  - 1 year ago

US Treasury to Increase DeFi Regulation

The US Treasury conducted a risk assessment of DeFi, finding it lacking in AML/CFT compliance, and reported money laundering, scammers, and North Korean hackers benefiting from the sector. The Treasury response to Biden's executive order suggests mor...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime Elizabeth Rosenberg on DeFi: "Treasury considers any DeFi service performing the functions of a covered financial institution to be subject to BSA obligations, including AML/CFT obligations,

Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime Elizabeth Rosenberg on DeFi Risk Assessment at the Atlantic Council Additional Background Materials: Illicit Finance Risk Assessment of Decentralized Finance Action Pla...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime Elizabeth Rosenberg on DeFi: "Treasury considers any DeFi service performing the functions of a covered financial institution to be subject to BSA obligations, including AML/CFT obligations,

Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime Elizabeth Rosenberg on DeFi Risk Assessment at the Atlantic Council Additional Background Materials: Illicit Finance Risk Assessment of Decentralized Finance Action Pla...