News about Legal

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

No, Metamask isn't withholding your funds for tax as it was simply a only ConsenSys policy for legal coverage, unrelated to Metamask. But the freakout from the situation is very understandable because the crypto community has been lied to over and over, f

There has been something of a minor meltdown and uproar over new information in the Concensys TOS. The statement interpreted as Metamask withholding your funds for crypto purposes. Since taxes vary by jurisdiction, this also means that Metamask...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

No, Metamask isn't withholding your funds for tax as it was simply a only ConsenSys policy for legal coverage, unrelated to Metamask. But the freakout from the situation is very understandable because the crypto community has been lied to over and over, f

There has been something of a minor meltdown and uproar over new information in the Concensys TOS. The statement interpreted as Metamask withholding your funds for crypto purposes. Since taxes vary by jurisdiction, this also means that Metamask...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Banks can "legally" prevent you from withdrawing your own money. And also, so can investment firms/funds in traditional finance and even with direction from the FED as well. Basically, for any centralized platform in crypto or traditional finance, not you

Especially within the past few years, banks have been increasing blocking transactions related to crypto exchanges and cryptocurrency, or limiting the amounts of these transactions. This seemed to to increase even further earlier this year with the b...