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Timely PSA: Backup all your logins, wallets, 2FA's etc!

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PSA: This comes up every now and then especially during bull runs when everyones coins are up in value and some people decide to open up old wallets, realizing they have no access anymore

BACKUP YOUR 2FA KEYS! BACKUP YOUR SECURITY PHRASES BACK UP EVERYTHING (including the emails your account is connected to etc)

The reason you set up 2FA is for additional security so people can't pretend to be you. Companies or exchanges you have your crypto on will be very hesitant to give out account access to someone who doesn't have it (just because you formatted or lost your phone etc), so don't expect it to be a simple chat with customer service. Otherwise technically any person who can get access to some of your personal docs may be able to contact and pretend to be you. And if its a private wallet it's even more difficult. BACK. UP. EVERYHTING.

Whichever way you want to do it, whether it's physically written down somewhere, or your authenticator app set up on a separate phone and so on, you NEED BACKUPS.

Remember, in the past you had banks to hold your money for you. In crypto, you are the bank, so you have to be more organized with your access and security details.

I had a similar issue with coinbase a while back which ended up working out, although it did take a few weeks and a lot of work. Otherwise weren't as lucky. BACK IT UP!

submitted by /u/theultimateusername
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