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Poverty-Reducing Economy via Bitcoin and One-Dollar-Store Model

Bitcoin Reddit

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This is a TLDR document in preprint, I'm pursuing to publish it at the moment.

I've did some wider analysis and applied some creativity to Bitcoin infrastructure, and produced a proposal for systemic enhancements - this may not apply to Bitcoin blockchain itself, but is based on Bitcoin ideas in its core. There's a problem to miners looming - transaction fees are comparably low while "block reward" diminishes. This is also a possible solution to many issues on a larger economic scale.

If one fantasizes on the idea further, and considers 55 trillion dollar capitalization of US largest companies, if their books were put on a non-monetary blockchain similar to Bitcoin, and the same above-proposed system was applied, it would create 2.5 trillion dollars of non-owned value per year – this would make it possible to feed all Americans for free, literally, without exceptions, and to provide basic medical care. Without any sort of β€œsocialism” whatsoever.

submitted by /u/avaneev
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